Saturday, February 12, 2011

Moving Blog...

I started this blog a few months ago and I really don't know if there is anyone reading it :) I decided I would like to grow the blog and really put a lot of time and effort into it.  I have decided to switch over to a different site; if anyone is out there reading this please join me at the new blog!

I would really like to have success stories, other than just mine, on the new blog.  If you would like to share yours please leave a comment or email me from the new blog.  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feel like a Junkie Sometimes?

Sorry I have been MIA for a while.  I got really sick and had no energy to put into writing.  I was really having a hard time even taking care of myself. 

I don't know if I am the only one, but throughout my IVF experience I sometimes felt like a junkie.  I can remember a few times having to inject myself in the car, at friends houses, and once I had to ask my husband's friends to keep my pre-filled syringe in their refridgerator!  It was the first time I had ever met the them; who knows what they were thinking!  The time I remember best is when I had to ask a friend of mine to inject me in the butt.  At this point I was fairly new to IVF and had not learned to do my own butt injections yet.  Although I had done plenty sub-q by this point, giving myself my trigger shot seemed out of the question.  I remember telling her this is the most important injection, we can't mess it up!  I'm sure that made her feel great.  I know that ya'll have some entertaining stories as well.  Please share them if you would like!

Visit the new blog at

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trying to Conceive--Number 2!

I have been thinking  a lot lately about whether or not my little boy will ever get to have a sibling.  My husband and I both have a sister, and we have great relationships with them.  I can’t imagine my little boy not getting to experience that.  Don’t take me wrong, I am sooo grateful that I have him, and I know how lucky I am.

The thought of starting the fertility journey all over again is overwhelming.  It has felt so nice for the last year to not have to think about getting pregnant, having a miscarriage, shots… etc.  I know when the time comes to try again I will be excited, but for some reason it seems even more intimidating than the first time around.  I think I am afraid of getting wrapped up in it again, and letting that take away from my relationship with my little boy.  Anyone having these same feelings?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Count Your Blessings....

I just wanted to write this post to remind everyone to count their blessings.  When you struggle with infertility, sometimes it is easy to dwell on what you don't have.  I can remember doing this at times, before my little boy was around.  You should really be thankful for what you do have.  This may not be what you want to hear, but there are people out there that have it a lot worse than you. 

I am a high school teacher and last Friday we lost a senior cheerleader in a car wreck.  No alcohol, drugs, she just simply ran off the road on her way to school.  When things like this happen I tend to re-evaluate my life.  The problems I thought I had do not seem so big anymore.  This post is not meant to be a "downer", but to remind you of the blessings in your life.  Be grateful for what you have and hopefully soon you will have your miracle baby to add to your list of blessings.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Subchorionic Hemorrage-Will I Miscarry?

A subchorionic hemorrhage is a bleed that occurs when there is a small tear in the placenta.  The hemorrhage can cause light bleeding and can be mistaken for an impending miscarriage.  Some people have no symptoms at all. 

You have tried so hard to become pregnant and then you find out that you have a subchorionic hemorrhage.  What does this mean for you and your baby?  The answer is not straight forward.  Most people go on to have a completely normal pregnancy, but there are some factors to consider:

1.  How far along are you in the pregnancy?
2.  How large is the hemorrhage?
3.  Is there active bleeding?

The larger the hemorrhage, the more dangerous it is.  If the hemorrhage is a lot larger than the baby, then there is a small chance that it could cause you to miscarry.  Most are very small and heal up without causing any problems.  If you are far along in your pregnancy and still have evidence of a hemorrhage, then there is a chance that it could cause placental abruption.  You will have to be monitored closely by your doctor and could be put on bed rest. 

I am sharing this with you because I did a great deal of research on subchorionic hemetomas when I found out that I had one.  The encouraging news is that mine was very large and did not go away until about 20 weeks of pregnancy, and I still had a healthy baby boy.  This was very scary to go through, especially considering I had already been through three miscarriages.  I hope no one has to go through the fear of a subchorionic hemorrhage, but if you do please know that many people have them and go on to have healthy babies.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

IVF Costs!

Make sure that you research IVF costs in your area before you decide on a clinic.  IVF costs can be very expensive, and not all clinics charge the same.  Common questions about IVF costs:

1.       How much will IVF cost?
IVF will cost an average of $12,000.  You will be paying at least $10,000 and maybe even up to $15,000 depending on your area.  The costs listed are for a standard IVF procedure.  This does not include assisted hatching, ICSI, or egg/sperm donation.

2.       Can I get a "packaged deal" on IVF?
Yes you can.  Some clinics offer programs for multiple IVF's.  You pay a lump sum, usually around $30,000, for a few chances at IVF.  Some clinics will even return a portion of this money if you do not have success after the third IVF.  When considering this option please think about your chances of becoming pregnant using IVF.  If your chances are good you may not want to go for this option.  For example, you and your partner have to go through IVF because your tubes have been removed.  Your fertility is good, other than the fact that the sperm cannot get to the egg.  You decide to do the package deal, but end up having a baby on the first try.  Now you have spent $30,000 on an IVF cycle that should have cost you $12,000.  I am not telling you to rule it out, because it can be a great option for some people.  Most people don't get pregnant on the first try.

3.       Does insurance cover IVF?
Some people are lucky enough to have insurance cover IVF, but most insurance only covers a certain number of tries, or it does not cover it at all!  You may want to check into this before beginning your IVF cycle.  If your insurance does not cover IVF and you can find a job easily in your area, then you may even want to consider changing jobs to a company that has IVF coverage.

4.       Are there any hidden fees?
If you want to do ICSI, assisted hatching or use donor eggs or sperm, then there will be additional charges.  When deciding if you want to use any of these methods please keep in mind the fact that they can increase your chances of success.

To learn how you can lower your IVF costs please visit the "IVF Success Program".  It is a great resource to help you increase your chances of IVF success and will teach you how to lower IVF costs.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can't Believe This Sad Story...

I just read this horrible story and I couldn't help but share it with all of you.  It is a story of a couple in Australia that aborted twin boys after IVF...  I got this off of an infertility forum, so you may have already read it.

I just don't understand people like this.  Why would you go through the whole IVF process just to abort two healthy babies?  If they really didn't want them, couldn't they have at least put them up for adoption???  This story is just really disturbing to me.  There are so many of us out there that would have been willing to adopt them!

On the topic of adoption, is it just me or does it seem like there are so many children out there that need a home, but the adoption process is so difficult and expensive to go through?  At one point my husband and I thought we would have to turn to adoption but did not know how we could afford it.  We had already spent thousands of dollars on IVF and had no savings.