Friday, December 31, 2010

Signs of Infertility

 If you are like me, then you already know a lot about infertility and you just want an infertility cure.  For those of you who are just beginning the infertility journey, here is an article I thought was very informative.

Signs of Infertility
Have you ever considered what the primary signs of infertility in a human being are? We should be aware of the indications of infertility and that too, as early as possible. Signs of infertility can become apparent in several ways, including instinctive and cultural factors, irregular behavior of individuals while having a sexual union, malnutrition, a depressed mental condition, endocrinology factors, and the current health condition of persons. The overall general lifestyle, emotional quotients, financial issues as well as time represent pointers to infertility as well. In this context, it is important to distinguish between infertility and impotency. The factors mentioned above can result in infertility in a man or a lady, in case any of the former stops working normally.

In cases where a male has full potency, his female partner can become pregnant during the menstruation cycle of the latter. However, not many are aware that men too have hormonal cycles. What’s more, while the cycle of ladies cover a 28-day period, a fixed tab cannot be put on the male cycle. Researches show that the quality of the male sperm can go down, not at all matching with his hormone cycle, although he can release sperms whenever he wishes to do so. The lower sperm quality, in turn, has a negative impact on a man’s fertility, and can diminish his ability to impregnate. Signs of infertility, in both men and women, can become more apparent with advancement of their age.

Discourses on the many signs of infertility can often be confusing. Here, we would be discussing these issues in a clearer manner. Fertility of humans is not our focus here. In females, the single most important sign of her being infertile is an irregular pattern of her periods. However, it has to be kept in mind that, while irregular menstrual cycles do indicate infertility, they can also act as signs of other health hazards.

If a lady does not have the ideally correct body weight, her fertility is likely to go down. Infertility can be a problem faced by both overweight as well as grossly underweight women. The fetus needs to be nursed properly during pregnancy. If the hip region of a woman is too narrow, this task becomes difficult, and her ability to conceive babies suffers. The balance of hormones can also receive a jolt in case a proper nutrition-rich diet is not adopted. Obesity can also stand in the way of maintenance of the correct hormone balance. As a result, their ability to reproduce can suffer. If a lady is in the habit of drinking too much, she can also become infertile, for a considerable length of time too. Thus, in order to maintain her fertility, alcohol-consumption needs to be eliminated totally. However, this infertility has nothing to do with the barrenness of a lady.

Doctors point out several other common signs of infertility. For example, if the ovary of a lady is twisted, conceiving a baby becomes very tough for her. For women to become pregnant, the male sperm has to travel through her body and enter her ovary. In case the female ovary is positioned at a wrong position, this procedure is not possible. As a result, for all practical purposes, the lady becomes infertile. Any cysts that are present in the ovary can also prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

On the other hand, guessing which man is infertile is tricky. While a rather weak-looking guy can become a parent whenever he has an intercourse with a lady, an apparently strong, tough person can have an unfavorable rate of mortality and/or a low sperm count. However, in general, the level of fertility goes down as a man becomes more and more obese. Problems in the general health of males and/or his anatomy can also bring down his virility. Fertility falls with the advancing years too.

Andropause (or, the process of menopause in males) results in easy detection of the signs of infertility. The indications of infertility in men include:

v  Losing hair on a regular basis,
v  Gaining too much fat in the abdominal parts, and an increase in general body weight,
v  Wrinkles and dryness of the skin,
v  A fall in the male libido levels,
v  Excess stress,
v  Problems in having an erection,
v  Too much sweat as well as hot flushes,
v  A disturbed and nervous state of mind, with constant bouts of anxiety,
v  An feeling of unwillingness and a marked lack of motivation, and
v  A depressed mental state.

Fortunately, these signs of infertility can be eliminated if holistic methods of treatment are adopted. Unlike other conventional treatment methods, holistic approaches aim to detect the actual causes of the problem, and then suggest remedies accordingly. And these treatments also do not have any adverse side effects. Holistic methods recommend extensive usage of Chinese medicines, herbs and acupuncture. Proper exercises as well as a balanced diet are also prescribed. It has indeed been proven that holistic methods have a much higher success rate in helping people recover their fertility, than other conventional techniques.

This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Surviving the Holidays---Without a Baby!

This is going to be our first Christmas with the little one!  He is already nine months old; I can't believe it.  It is also our first Christmas that we get to stay at home.  When you don't have kids you are expected to get up and go during the holidays.  This year we told everyone that we wanted to stay here, and they are going to come to us.  As exciting as it is we had plenty of holidays without a child.  Not by choice.  I know there are a lot of people out there right now that are having a hard time coping with still not having a baby during the holidays.  All I can tell you is that all the heartache will be worth it one day.  I don't know why God makes some of us wait a lot longer than others; but I do know that no matter what you have to go through to get them it is worth it in the long run.  Keep fighting for your child, and one day you will have a miracle baby of your own!

Check out the Full Embrace IVF Success Program for tips on having a successful IVF cycle!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

To Tell or Not to Tell?!?!?

1 in every 4 couples is said to be infertile, but for some reason we still feel so uncomfortable talking about it!  I know I did in the beginning.  I was not embarrassed at all, but I really did not like people knowing my business!  Our first IVF attempt only our family knew we were going through it, and they were always very supportive.  But our second attempt overlapped the beginning of volleyball season, and there was no way around having to tell people.  (I was a coach at the time.)  At first I just told the other coaches, because I knew I would be having to miss some.  Eventually the whole team knew!  Even though I was not too comfortable with the idea of everyone knowing what I was going through, I really think it helped me keep my sanity.  If you are one of those people who has not told anyone I would suggest telling at least a few people outside of the family.  Sometimes it is easier to talk to people who are not so invested in the situation.  The worst part about everyone knowing is that when a cycle fails you have to tell that many more people.  This can be very hard!  Keep these things in mind as you decide if you are going to tell friends and family about your fertility struggles.  As an infertility sufferer I would highly recommend telling at least a few friends and family!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Meds for IVF cycle!!!!

Just thought I would share my experience with getting free meds for my IVF cycles.  The first IVF that we went through we paid in full; every ultrasounds, every shot, .......  After the first cycle failed we knew we wanted to try again before the Summer was up, but we knew we would have a hard time paying for it.  When we had our consult with our doctor, after the negative cycle, we discussed it with him.  To our surprise, he said that he may be able to help us out with the meds.  He explained that patients bring their left over meds to him and they usually donate them back to a patient.  A month went by and we were planning on doing the IVF, but were not to sure how we were going to afford it.  When I went in to for my check up, the nurse had a big bag for me.  They had gathered up enough meds for my entire cycle!  I couldn't believe it; it was about two thousand dollars worth of meds for free!  My doctor is very generous and understanding, and I'm sure that other clinics do this as well.  If you are struggling to pay for your next IVF you may want to talk to your doctor about donated meds. 

For more money savings tips please fill out your name and email at the top right corner of the blog!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Increase Chances of IVF Success!

Can I increase the success of IVF?  The answer to this question is complicated. There are ways to increase the success of IVF, some ways are proven, and some are just theories.  As an infertility sufferer I have researched this topic for a few years now, and many women will tell you that there was something they did or did not do that helped them to finally conceive.  This article is designed to give you suggestions to increase the success of IVF.  Keep in mind that each couple is unique, and you may need to decide which of the success tips are right for you.

Tips to increase the success of IVF:
1.  Make sure you are in good health.  This may seem trivial, but it is very important.  If you are overweight or underweight this can decrease your chances of conceiving.  You will be spending a lot of time and money on IVF, so it is worth it to wait a few months and get yourself into better health.  You can start by cutting out the caffeine and other bad habits like smoking or drinking.  Also be sure to use organic, hormone free ingredients in your meals.  If you are a dessert eater, then eat fruits that are low in sugar.  You may want to use a fertility recipe book.
2.  Exercise, but not too much.  Exercise will contribute to having good health overall.  Just make sure to be reasonable.  Three or four days a week is plenty.  If you are used to running on a daily basis you may want to cut back to a couple times a week, and walk on the off days.
3.  Talk to your doctor about all of your options.  Many doctors will do a basic IVF on the first try. If the cycle fails, then they may add assisted hatching or ICSI on your next attempt.  These procedures can cost extra, but they can increase your chances of a successful IVF.  You may want to ask your doctor if these procedures could benefit you.  If so, it could save you time and money by doing them on the first attempt and not waiting to see if your first cycle will fail.  Keep in mind that most cycles do fail, so you want to have the best chances possible on each attempt.
4.  Reduce all stress if possible.  There are many ways to reduce stress; a few ways include exercise, yoga, and getting additional rest.  You may want to even take off a week after the transfer.  This will give you plenty time to relax and will help reduce your stress.
5.  Depending on what is causing your infertility, you may want to consider egg, sperm, or embryo donation.  Most people like to try with their own eggs and sperm before moving to donor eggs or sperm.  If you are ok with having a child that is not genetically related to you, then you may want to move to using donor eggs or sperm sooner than later.  Donor eggs or sperm can increase your chances of IVF success greatly.
6.  Look into using acupuncture.  Many women will tell you that they finally had their baby on the cycle that they used acupuncture.  This will cost you a little more money up front, but can save you money on infertility treatments in the long run.
Please consider using these tips for success on your next IVF cycle.  Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options, and for any suggestions that they may have.   Keep trying because one day IVF will allow you to start the family you always wanted.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What You Should Know Before You Start IVF!

Six years ago when we first found out we were going to have to do IVF, I thought it would be an immediate fix.  People with infertility went through IVF, and had a baby nine months later.  How ignorant could I have been?  IVF is wonderful; it allowed us to have our baby boy.  But I wish that the doctor would have told us that around 70 % of all IVF's FAIL.  I am not telling you this to be pessimistic, because I am an extremely optimistic person, but I wish I would have known when I was first starting out.  Don't be mistaken, there are many couples that have a baby on their first try.  I was not lucky enough to have been one of those people.  I am sharing this information with you because I want you to know that beginning IVF means beginning a journey.  For some this journey is smooth and quick, but for others it is a long, bumpy road.  How ever much you have to endure, it is all worth it in the end.  Honestly, I think I appreciate motherhood a lot more than I would have if it would have came easy.  Good luck with your fertility journey, I pray that yours is a smooth and quick one!

If you are interested in increasing your chances of IVF, you may want to look into the Full Embrace IVF success Program. I recently purchased it and plan on using it when I try for miracle number two.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Infertility Success Story--Please Read!

The story begins about six years ago, when my husband and I first started trying to have a baby.  At the time we had only been married for about a year and a half.  We thought it might take a few months, so we started trying a little earlier than we had planned to initially.  After about a year of trying with no luck, we decided to see the doctor.  I went to my obgyn and she was not too helpful, but she did send us to a great infertility doctor.  We were soon diagnosed with having male factor infertility.  This was discouraging, but the fertility doctor made it sound like having IVF would be a quick fix to our problem.  Even though it was expensive and time consuming we decided to go straight to IVF.  I think we were a little naive in thinking that we would go through the treatment, and have a baby nine months later.  This could not have been farther from the truth. 

Our first cycle was a complete disaster!  I did not respond well to the meds, even though I was only 22 at the time.  We ended up with poor quality embryos and did not get pregnant.  We waited a month and then we were back at it.  We went through our second treatment and to our surprise, we got pregnant!  But the excitement was short lived, because we had an early miscarriage.  Since I am a teacher, and the school year had just began, we had to wait almost a year to try again. 

The next summer ended with the exact same results.  One negative cycle and one miscarriage.  This miscarriage was a lot harder to deal with considering we had seen the baby's heartbeat this time.  By this time we were really getting discouraged and did not know if it was "meant to be".  We still had eight frozen embryos and we knew we were going to give them a shot.  So we tried our first FET.  It was another miscarriage.  I was really beginning to think that my body could not handle carrying a baby.  We did not mind the idea of adoption, but we had spent so much on fertility treatment that we could not afford to adopt.  We decided to try one more time with our frozen embryos.  We wound up pregnant again.  At this point getting pregnant really didn't mean anything to me.  we wanted to have a baby, not get pregnant!

The sixth time must have been the charm, because this time we stayed pregnant.  I am so excited to be able to say that we now have a wonderful baby boy, and he is the light of our life.  I am glad that we did not give up, because I can't imagine our life without him.  I hope this story can encourage you to keep moving forward on your infertility journey.