Saturday, February 12, 2011

Moving Blog...

I started this blog a few months ago and I really don't know if there is anyone reading it :) I decided I would like to grow the blog and really put a lot of time and effort into it.  I have decided to switch over to a different site; if anyone is out there reading this please join me at the new blog!

I would really like to have success stories, other than just mine, on the new blog.  If you would like to share yours please leave a comment or email me from the new blog.  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feel like a Junkie Sometimes?

Sorry I have been MIA for a while.  I got really sick and had no energy to put into writing.  I was really having a hard time even taking care of myself. 

I don't know if I am the only one, but throughout my IVF experience I sometimes felt like a junkie.  I can remember a few times having to inject myself in the car, at friends houses, and once I had to ask my husband's friends to keep my pre-filled syringe in their refridgerator!  It was the first time I had ever met the them; who knows what they were thinking!  The time I remember best is when I had to ask a friend of mine to inject me in the butt.  At this point I was fairly new to IVF and had not learned to do my own butt injections yet.  Although I had done plenty sub-q by this point, giving myself my trigger shot seemed out of the question.  I remember telling her this is the most important injection, we can't mess it up!  I'm sure that made her feel great.  I know that ya'll have some entertaining stories as well.  Please share them if you would like!

Visit the new blog at

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trying to Conceive--Number 2!

I have been thinking  a lot lately about whether or not my little boy will ever get to have a sibling.  My husband and I both have a sister, and we have great relationships with them.  I can’t imagine my little boy not getting to experience that.  Don’t take me wrong, I am sooo grateful that I have him, and I know how lucky I am.

The thought of starting the fertility journey all over again is overwhelming.  It has felt so nice for the last year to not have to think about getting pregnant, having a miscarriage, shots… etc.  I know when the time comes to try again I will be excited, but for some reason it seems even more intimidating than the first time around.  I think I am afraid of getting wrapped up in it again, and letting that take away from my relationship with my little boy.  Anyone having these same feelings?