Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trying to Conceive--Number 2!

I have been thinking  a lot lately about whether or not my little boy will ever get to have a sibling.  My husband and I both have a sister, and we have great relationships with them.  I can’t imagine my little boy not getting to experience that.  Don’t take me wrong, I am sooo grateful that I have him, and I know how lucky I am.

The thought of starting the fertility journey all over again is overwhelming.  It has felt so nice for the last year to not have to think about getting pregnant, having a miscarriage, shots… etc.  I know when the time comes to try again I will be excited, but for some reason it seems even more intimidating than the first time around.  I think I am afraid of getting wrapped up in it again, and letting that take away from my relationship with my little boy.  Anyone having these same feelings?


  1. Hi there, Im still trying for my first, but i can imagine how hard it would be to get back in the game again. It must be so lovely and realxing just living, and it would seem scary going back to that bad place again. But you must risk it. You will get another and it will be well worth it

  2. I would go through it all again in a heartbeat, if I had the money. Why is this so expensive? Why doesn't insurance cover it? Even with the background of two cycles, three lost babies, pre-eclamsia, and birth at 35 weeks, I would love to give my daughter a sister or brother.

    I know I am so lucky, and I think another cycle would be less stressful since I have her to hug.

    Anyway, where are these money saving tips?

  3. tj--Fill out the email in the top right hand cormer and I will send you the money savings tips. I don't understand why it has to be sooo expensive either. It seems kind of cruel that insurance will cover people trying to not get pregnant, but doesn't care at all about the people who are desperatly trying! I don't know when we will be able to afford it either. I know that I will be thrilled when we have the chance; it just has been nice not having to think about it for a while!

  4. Thanks for sharing the information. That’s a awesome article you posted. I found the post very useful as well as interesting. For more information about fertility and ivf visit Denver Colorado Fertility Clinic
