Friday, December 17, 2010

Increase Chances of IVF Success!

Can I increase the success of IVF?  The answer to this question is complicated. There are ways to increase the success of IVF, some ways are proven, and some are just theories.  As an infertility sufferer I have researched this topic for a few years now, and many women will tell you that there was something they did or did not do that helped them to finally conceive.  This article is designed to give you suggestions to increase the success of IVF.  Keep in mind that each couple is unique, and you may need to decide which of the success tips are right for you.

Tips to increase the success of IVF:
1.  Make sure you are in good health.  This may seem trivial, but it is very important.  If you are overweight or underweight this can decrease your chances of conceiving.  You will be spending a lot of time and money on IVF, so it is worth it to wait a few months and get yourself into better health.  You can start by cutting out the caffeine and other bad habits like smoking or drinking.  Also be sure to use organic, hormone free ingredients in your meals.  If you are a dessert eater, then eat fruits that are low in sugar.  You may want to use a fertility recipe book.
2.  Exercise, but not too much.  Exercise will contribute to having good health overall.  Just make sure to be reasonable.  Three or four days a week is plenty.  If you are used to running on a daily basis you may want to cut back to a couple times a week, and walk on the off days.
3.  Talk to your doctor about all of your options.  Many doctors will do a basic IVF on the first try. If the cycle fails, then they may add assisted hatching or ICSI on your next attempt.  These procedures can cost extra, but they can increase your chances of a successful IVF.  You may want to ask your doctor if these procedures could benefit you.  If so, it could save you time and money by doing them on the first attempt and not waiting to see if your first cycle will fail.  Keep in mind that most cycles do fail, so you want to have the best chances possible on each attempt.
4.  Reduce all stress if possible.  There are many ways to reduce stress; a few ways include exercise, yoga, and getting additional rest.  You may want to even take off a week after the transfer.  This will give you plenty time to relax and will help reduce your stress.
5.  Depending on what is causing your infertility, you may want to consider egg, sperm, or embryo donation.  Most people like to try with their own eggs and sperm before moving to donor eggs or sperm.  If you are ok with having a child that is not genetically related to you, then you may want to move to using donor eggs or sperm sooner than later.  Donor eggs or sperm can increase your chances of IVF success greatly.
6.  Look into using acupuncture.  Many women will tell you that they finally had their baby on the cycle that they used acupuncture.  This will cost you a little more money up front, but can save you money on infertility treatments in the long run.
Please consider using these tips for success on your next IVF cycle.  Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options, and for any suggestions that they may have.   Keep trying because one day IVF will allow you to start the family you always wanted.

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